Advocating for Condominium Management 

ACMO is the trusted voice of the condominium management profession in Ontario, advocating on behalf of our members and the industry. With advice and guidance from the ACMO Government Relations Committee,  ACMO actively engages all levels of government and its agencies and participates in government consultations to help inform condominium legislation, policies and practices. ACMO provides timely expertise, information, resources and feedback on issues impacting condominium management. Below are some of ACMO's recent open letters to government officials on issues of concern to our members:

Letter to the Ministry of Public and Business Services Delivery
RE: Feedback on Proposed Amendments to the Condominium Act and Expansion of CAT Jurisdiction


July 10, 2024

Read Letter

Letter to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General Canada
RE: Safety and Security in Condominium Communities


June 12, 2024

Read Letter  Read Attachment

Letter to Ontario Government Officials
RE: Un-Proclaimed Amendment 135.1 of the Condominium Act


April 30, 2024

Read Letter

Letter to Ontario Government Officials
RE: Safety and Security in Condominium Communities


March 18, 2024

Read Letter

Letter to Ontario Government Officials
RE: Safety and Security in Condominium Communities


January 17, 2024

Read Letter

Letter to Ontario Government Officials
RE: Safety and Security in Condominium Communities


December 15, 2023

Read Letter

Press Release
Unmasking the Struggle: Confronting Escalating Harassment and Abuse in Ontario’s Condominium Management Sector


October 2, 2023

Read Press Release

An Open Letter to Robin Dafoe, Chief Executive Officer and Registrar, Condominium Authority Ontario
Proposed Online Payment System for Assessment Fees


September 8, 2023

Read Letter  Read Response

An Open Letter to Michael Kerzner, Solicitor General
Proposed amendments to the Ontario Fire Code made under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997


July 13, 2023

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Kaleed Rasheed,
Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
Proposed Increase the Prescribed Fee for a Status Certificate


June 6, 2023

Read Letter

Press Release
Condominium Manager Shortage Grows in the Wake of Government's Plan to Build 1.5 Million Homes


May 29, 2023

Read Press Release

Press Release
Joint Statement from ACMO, CCI-T, and CAI on Safety & Security in Condominiums


April 13, 2023

Read Press Release

Press Release
Joint Statement from ACMO, CCI-T, and CAI on Violence and Mental Health in Condominiums


January 11, 2023

Read Press Release

An Open Letter to Kaleed Rasheed,
Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
Proposed Permanent Changes to Enable Digital and Virtual Processes


August 17, 2022

Read Letter  Read Response

An Open Letter to Kaleed Rasheed,
Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
Congratulations on Appointment


July 5, 2022

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Ross Romano,
Minister of Government & Consumer Services
Condominium Insurance Consultation


January 31, 2022

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Ross Romano,
Minister of Government & Consumer Services
Proposed Permanent Changes to Enable Digital and Virtual Processes


January 13, 2022

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Ross Romano,
Minister of Government & Consumer Services
Proposed Permanent Changes to Enable Digital and Virtual Processes


January 10, 2022

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Todd Smith,
Minister of Energy, Mines & Northern Development 
Enabling More Choice and Competition in Electricity Suite Metering


November 22, 2021

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Bonnie Lysyk,
Auditor General of Ontario
In response to the Value for Money Audit: Condominium Oversight in Ontario (2020)


April 15, 2021

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Greg Rickford,
Minister of Energy, Mines & Northern Development 
Re: Concerns Over Changes to the Ontario Energy Rebate program (OER) 


October 1, 2020

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Lisa Thompson,
Minister of Government and Consumer Services
Re: Extension of Timelines for Annual General Meetings


August 12, 2020

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Lisa Thompson,
Minister of Government and Consumer Services
RE: Extending Regulatory Timelines


March 24, 2020

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Greg Rickford,
Minister of Energy, Mines & Northern Development 
Re: Implementing the New Ontario Electricity Rebate 


February 24, 2020

Read Letter

An Open Letter to Lisa Thompson,
Minister of Government and Consumer Services
Re: Proposal number 19-MGCS013/Amendments to Regulations re Forms


September 30, 2019

Read Letter