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Winter 2024 Issue
Legal & Regulatory Updates in Condominium Management

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Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'

How to Earn

Your RCM Designation

Feature || Janice Schenk

The steps to earn your RCM Designation depend upon the number of years of experience you have as a condominium property manager in Ontario. Experience for the RCM is defined on the second page of the RCM Designation application.

What is the benefit

of Remaining an RCM?

Feature || Debbie Wilson

There have been a lot of changes in the world of condominiums this year, with reforms to the Condominium Act, the Condominium Management Services Act, the new Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) and the Condominium Regulatory Authority of Ontario (CMRAO).

Steps to Success

as an RCM

Feature || Laura Lee

So you want to be a property manager. I would suggest you take your temperature and sleep on the decision … just kidding.

“Must-Have” Skills

for RCMs

Feature || Various Contributors

Organization – without it even the brightest, most knowledgeable managers would be lost.


A Trusted Resource and Partner

Feature || Kristy Joplin

Do you ever wonder why people choose the jobs they do? Not being a condominium manager myself, I often wonder why people become involved in an industry that is highly unpredictable, requires many late night calls, and comes with a great deal of responsibility to homeowners. 

A Look into

the Future

Feature || ACMO Past Presidents

We asked past presidents of ACMO to ‘look into your crystal ball and, if you could predict the future, tell us what you see in store for the Ontario condo industry at large — and for ACMO in particular.’ Here are the intriguing responses we received.

A Property Manager’s


Feature || Kevin Middleton

As we are now moving into the new realm of condominium manager licensing; it has caused me to look back on my career that started as an administrator for a condominium in Richmond Hill in May 1990. 

The Creative Manager


Feature || Shane Haskell

In this issue of CM magazine we are addressing the RCM designation including a variety of requirements for condominium managers from hard education skills to soft skills. We asked Shane Haskell, RCM, CEO of Lionheart Property Management in London, Ontario, an ACMO2000 Certified company, to help us determine what role creativity plays in managing a condominium? 

21st Annual

Condominium Conference

Feature || Ashley Chiaramida

21st Annual Condominium Conference

Customer Service

Skills Everyone Needs

Feature || Karen Reynolds

The on-call manager receives a telephone call on the emergency line at 9:30 Saturday night. He is deeply engrossed in an action movie and is reluctant to hit the “pause” button. After a couple of rings, he answers and hears a frantic senior on the other end of the line reporting water coming from the unit above through her light fixture over the kitchen sink. The manager yawns audibly and replies that this is nothing to worry about and quite common in a stacked townhouse. 

Customer Service

Excellence in Property Management

Feature || Cerasela Hornea

Top performing companies strive to deliver consistent and efficient services through systems, infrastructure, policies, and on the front line by hiring and training the right people with the personality and attitude suited to positive interaction with customers on a daily basis.

How Customer Service

Raises the Bar

Feature || Steven Hill

I’ve been in the property management industry for the better part of two decades. When I started my career in the summer of 1989, property management was much easier, the pressure was lower and the expectations were reasonable. Over the years, I have seen the industry grow, change and evolve in many different ways and subsequently, so have the roles and responsibilities of a property manager. 

Assertive Communication Helps

Deliver Exceptional Service

Feature || Bina Feldman

Condominium managers are responsible for people’s greatest investment – their homes. Because the stakes are high, sometimes condo owners can be demanding, argumentative or hostile, and the condo managers are on the front line. You need strong customer service skills to manage your constituency with excellence.

Service Recovery

and Effective Customer Service

Feature || Yasmeen Nurmohamed

Service recovery occurs when an organization is able to resolve a client issue and regain his or her trust following a breakdown in service delivery. A service breakdown occurs when the service delivered fails to meet a client’s expectations. In some cases, the product or service functions as it was designed or intended; however, the client has misunderstood how the product or service functions resulting in a service breakdown.



Feature || unknown

Celebrating 40: Forty years ago, a small group of condominium managers found themselves at the vanguard of a relatively new and exciting industry in Ontario. The time was right in 1977 to mobilize and organize with a formal association to represent the goals of this collective alliance. No one could have foreseen the tremendous growth of condominiums that we’re witnessing today. But the founding members of ACMO did anticipate and establish the RCM designation for professional property managers that is now recognized and requested by corporation boards.