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Winter 2024 Issue
Legal & Regulatory Updates in Condominium Management

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Showing Articles from the category 'Feature'

Leveraging Skills

in a Second Career

Feature || Harry Nielsen

Licensed condominium managers and RCMs bring a variety of skill sets to the boardroom table. While many are choosing condominium management as their first career after secondary school, others have already achieved post-secondary degrees and certificates. Still other managers have valuable work-life experiences as new Canadians that they can share. Here is one manager’s story of making a successful career leap of faith when others may have given up.


We are Better

Feature || Jason Riddle

I received an invitation to contribute an article in CM Magazine on the heels of being awarded ACMO’s 2018 Genesis Award.

Your Manager

is Not Your Clerical Assistant

Feature || Peter Walpole

By training and personality, your condo manager is a skilled organizer. By government regulation, the manager is a trained professional — having studied for, and passed, a set of carefully developed courses and exams. Your manager is required, and willing, to take continuing training.

Prepare to Do Well

on the RCM Exam

Feature || Janice Schenk

Are you ready to write the RCM Exam? Being eligible to write the exam and going on to successfully pass the exam are two different things. The average passing rate for the RCM exam over the past two years has been 66%; that means that only 66% of the candidates writing any RCM exam have passed. You may write the exam a total of three times, but how can you prepare to ensure success the first time you write?

Condominiums are an

Economic Engine for Ontario

Feature || Patricia Elia

A condominium property cannot survive without the contributions of the trades and professionals that provide valuable services to the province's corporations on a daily basis.

Let’s Talk


Feature || Various

Repairs, retrofits, renovations, reserve funds, maintenance fees. Our industry experts weigh in on financial issues that are the bane of condominiums.

Petty Cash

How Are You Tracking?

Feature || Ann Horruzey

How do managers handle petty cash. Here are some tips to help you control this cash fund.

Top Considerations

for Deciding between Special Assessment, Loan or Deferring a Major Project

Feature || Pierre Sauve, Ryan Griffiths

A condominium corporation with major repair or remediation needs and not enough Reserve Funds is faced with difficult decisions. Here are some of the important questions the board should consider if faced with the tough choice between special assessment, loan or deferral:

The Defining Moment

ACMO 2000 Certification

Feature || Shane Haskell

Since its launch in 1999, the ACMO 2000 Certification program has become the recognized standard to measure condominium management companies for their commitment to follow and adhere to a strict set of service standards – not found anywhere else in the condominium industry. 

Failure to Budget Effectively?

A Look at the Basics

Feature || Steven Liu

Effective communications is an excellent starting point when managers and their boards tackle preparation of the yearly budget.

From Both Sides


Feature || Deborah Bechard

What happens when a condominium manager becomes a condominium owner?

The Cost of Condo Conflict

Forever in Blue Jeans

Feature || Marc Bhalla

Conflict resolution can cost money. Sometimes lots of it. Learn how to be smarter with your financial outlay.

Recovering from

Operating Deficits

Feature || Lindsey McNalley

It may seem like a daunting task, but there are workable solutions to help a corporation recover from an operating deficit.

Play to


Feature || Steven Christodoulou

New managers and those with long-standing credentials have the same end goal: to provide tangible value to their client boards.


Happily Ever After

Feature || Diana Varone

When faced with an owner request for complicated in-suite renovations, do you know how to proceed?