To protect the health and safety of our communities, today Mayor John Tory, on the advice of the Medical Officer of Health, again urged all apartments and condominiums to adopt a mask or face covering policy for common areas of shared residential buildings.
More Businesses and Services Across the Province Can Safely Reopen on Friday.
Tarion is also seeking input on the warranty compensation caps on claims related to environmentally harmful substances or hazards, septic systems and condominium common elements and providing compensation to homeowners in instances where they have to relocate while repairs are underway which arose from a warranted item.
As Ontario continues down the path to economic recovery, decisions on which regions will enter Stage 3 and when will be made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts and based on trends of key public health indicators.
The ministry of Ontario is seeking feedback on proposed changes to Enhancing Elevator Safety and Availability under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, to better understand any costs to business associated with the reporting and publication of elevator outage data.
Wearing a mask or face covering will be required in indoor public spaces beginning July 7, 2020. The by-law does not apply to apartment buildings and condominiums, including their common areas, even if they would fall under the definition of an establishment.
Province Focuses on Safe, Gradual Reopening of Regions
The Ontario government is allowing more businesses and services to open and getting more people back to work by moving the City of Toronto and Peel Region into Stage 2 on Wednesday. This decision was made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the local medical officers.
Ontario is releasing safety guidelines to protect workers, customers and the general public from COVID-19 as it prepares for a gradual reopening of the provincial economy.
The ministry is aware that the outbreak of COVID-19 may have a significant impact on large building owners' ability to satisfy the July 1, 2020 reporting deadline. Due to the challenges created as a direct consequence of COVID-19, the ministry will accept the submission of 2019 data from large building …