Condominium managers are responsible for managing a variety of life basics within the condominium communities they manage. But what about the manager’s well-being? We asked RCMs from across Ontario to tell us how they manage their own lives and what techniques they use, if any, to de-stress after leaving a long day at the management office.
Managing a work/life balance is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Often you find yourself thinking/stressing about the events of your work day, which can cause unneeded stress in your personal life. I am the type of person that likes to keep busy and I have taken up a few hobbies that have helped me find my release from the hectic day-to-day management of my condominium corporations. One of my favourite hobbies has always been mountain biking with my wife and friends. However, in recent years I have also started working on maintaining bikes during the offseason for both myself and my family. In a nutshell it’s work in my off time that I enjoy doing. Lastly, I have found that being adequately prepared for the busy seasons (spring/summer) is almost as important as scheduling time off in the slower seasons. I build my schedule at the beginning of the year to include scheduled vacation time during the slower seasons. It gives me something to work towards and I use that as a bit of motivation.
Christopher Verkuyl, RCM Around The Lakes Property Management Limited
The key to a great condominium manager is time management, be it in your work or your personal obligations, as well as ensuring you have time to de-stress. Manage stress levels for both yoursel f and the condominium by carefully managing work commitments and not promising anything that you know can’t be accomplished.
I let my boards know that even though I’m committed to ensuring the best for the corporation/owners that I also deserve a personal life. I
remember that family and friends also deserve the best of me. An overly stressed individual is not only unproductive but also a “not so happy” person to be around.
My de-stressing includes music and walking. I got a Fit-Bit four years ago and try to meet my 10,000 steps daily, listening to my favourite playlist. I also love golfing though the golf ball doesn’t always love me. Then there is always SHOPPING.
Wendy Wright, RCM Newton-Trelawney Property Management
As a successful condominium manager, I balance my work and personal lives. To do otherwise means that both will suffer. Part of what I do is look ahead in order to look back and set a course of action. I plan to meet targets, and add buffers in my timeline to ensure success. This minimizes the opportunities for additional stress and leaves space to handle day-to-day operational issues as they arise.
Support teams are critical, as they assist in safeguarding the condo way of life. Delegation, staff empowerment, coaching – these are tools I use for effective condo management.
I make conscious choices in carving out personal time. I schedule activities such as yoga, music and art events, as well as family time. Eating well, maintaining a strong network of friends, and planning adventures each play a key role in sustaining good health.
Carrie Cowton, RCM GPM Property Management
I ensure I take my three weeks vacation every year. I go out for dinner with friends at least once a week and do my best to get to the gym a couple of times a week as well for my own stress and well-being. I very rarely ever bring work home, as the work will still be there tomorrow.
Monica Gilkes, RCM Crossbridge Condominium Services