CM Magazine Cover
From the Winter 2023 Issue

RCM Profile

Ponzie Parsons, RCM

RCM Profiles || Ponzie Parsons

Name: Ponzie Parsons

Designation(s): RCM

Company: Maple Ridge Community Management Inc.

Year entered the profession: 2011

Year RCM obtained: 2018

Other education: Diploma in Social Services

Mentor(s) in the industry: Jim O’Neil and Craig McMillan. Jim taught me the importance of excellence in scheduling and preparing owners' meetings. He made Board members look great! Craig McMillan stepped in to offer me much support when I was going through a rough time at the start of my career.  He took time away from his very busy schedule as a Branch Vice President to lay the groundwork for a strong foundation in my role as a Property Manager after transitioning from the position of Assistant Manager. His no-nonsense approach in instructing me in the rudiments of what characterized a good Property Manger was challenging at times but has paid off in spades, making me the very successful Property Manager I am today.

What path brought you to a career as a condominium manager? 

I needed a job, so I started at Maple Ridge Community Management Ltd. In July of 2011. I began working in the Customer Service Department as a floater, visiting sites offering vacation coverage, maternity and/or medical leave to the various buildings Maple Ridge serviced. I loved it! I easily transitioned into each office culture working with building staff and various Board Directors.  After I was stationed in a building as an Administrator, I began taking the ACMO courses once per week.  I enjoyed each course, but my favourite one was the law course.  Brian Horlick delivered the case studies in typical dry wit.  
I completed the courses and immediately took the RCM exam. Wonders of wonders, I passed!!  I was thrilled. Two years later I was promoted and received a portfolio of properties I was responsible for. The first year was very challenging, but with the assistance of Craig McMillan, President of Maple Ridge Community Management Ltd., I made it through and am here going strong today.  

How has your membership in ACMO helped you in your career?

I am very grateful to have the opportunity to continue my education at seminars, webinars and conferences offered by ACMO.  As a result, my skill set and knowledge base continue to grow.
What is one must-have skill for a condominium manager? Why?

I am going to borrow my colleague Ahsan Jamil’s opinion and say that the most important skill would be people management. The successful condominium manager, in my estimation, is one who can successfully communicate and work with many different personalities without taking offence or internalizing hard words. Mistakes will happen, but they don’t have to define you. Learn from them and keep going. I believe we are educators to the many clientele we serve, and if we keep that in mind, our ability to successfully work with them can only improve.

Tell us about a personal success story on the job.

I had an opportunity to resolve a conflict between two neighbours regarding backyard water drainage. I did not have to get involved as this did not pertain to any corporation's responsibilities. I was happy to act as a mediator for both parties to come to an amicable agreement. Both owners were left very content and appreciative.

What’s your biggest challenge as a manager?  

Rude Board members.

What’s your favourite part of the job?  

The variety, never a dull moment. 

Best business advice you ever received.  Keep learning. Leaders are readers; readers are leaders.

Answer this statement – I am an RCM because…I want to differentiate my superb service abilities from the rest.

Where do you see yourself in five years?  

Regional Manager with a team of 10 managers.

What recent project that you completed can we highlight?

My portfolio consists mainly of new condominiums, so I do not have a recent major project to mention.

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