CM Magazine Cover
From the Summer 2020 Issue

President's Message

The RCM Advantage

Message from the President || Audrey M. McGuire

While composing this President’s Message in the first week of May, it is somewhat surreal to consider the current situation in which we are living and dealing with concerning COVID-19. Who would ever have imagined that we would be in the middle of a global pandemic in 2020? I certainly didn’t think I would be writing another President’s Message!

The spring issue was to be my last, but due to COVID-19, our AGM has been postponed to July, and my term has been extended. I firmly believe that we will learn many things from this pandemic that will improve how we conduct business, and be more productive in the industry, and hopefully be better humans in general.

It has also presented great opportunities for many condominium managers in our industry to take the time and reassess their career path in moving forward onto the next level. The elite managers in our industry are those that hold the RCM (Registered Condominium Manager). The RCM designation is a premium class and above the “G” Licence. An RCM has taken the initiative to enhance their education by obtaining this additional credential.

Across the province, it is no secret to the condo corporations or the general public that there is a critical shortage of managers. Since the introduction of licensing on November 01, 2017, the lack of licensed managers continues.

RCM’s in the industry are hot commodities within an elite group. For condominium managers, the RCM advantage is that the industry demand for them is remarkable and presents better opportunities, better properties, and preferred choice of employment within management companies. Condominium boards are certainly more diligent in their selection process when tendering for management providers. They are starting to realize that they have different options available to them regarding management cost and experience, including the specific class of a manager that best fits their community.

Condominium managers with solid credentials and experience are the preferred choice for communities that want competent, trustworthy professional representation within their respective communities.

Another advantage of being an RCM is the opportunity to become a qualified teacher of the mandatory licensing courses, whether in-house through an ACMO 2000 property management company or in the colleges that offer these courses within Ontario.

I would like to thank all of our managers for maintaining their professionalism, integrity, support and selflessness during these very challenging times. We are truly blessed to have such dedicated individuals who always put the condominium’s best interest first and foremost.

Wishing all of our members a safe and enjoyable summer!

Audrey M. McGuire, RCM
ACMO President

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