Posted on December 15, 2023
Date: December 15, 2023
Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario
Hon. Doug Downey, Attorney General of Ontario
Hon. Todd McCarthy, Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery
RE: Safety and Security in Condominium Communities
In recent years, and particularly since the tragic shooting at Bellaria Residences on December 18, 2022, it has become clear that the duties and protections respecting violence and harassment in Condominiums in Ontario are inadequate.
As you know, more than 1.7 million Ontarians of all ages and backgrounds live in condominiums and we have a collective responsibility to foster strong communities that are safe. Condominium board directors, managers and owners are expressing very real and serious concerns about their safety and privacy rights. Some board directors are resigning, not running for re-election, or failing to enforce condominium rules because they fear for their personal safety.
On behalf of our members, the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO), the Toronto & Area Chapter of the Canadian Condominium Institute (CCI-T), and the Community Associations Institute, Canadian Chapter (CAI-C) have struck a number of working committees to identify and propose opportunities to improve safety and security in Ontario condominiums. Our Joint Legislation Committee has reviewed relevant legislation to identify areas where reform is necessary to ensure that condominium communities are safe places to live for residents, and safe for those that work or volunteer in them. Based on our review, government support and legislative changes are necessary to provide viable long-term solutions. These include changes to the Condominium Act, 1998, changes to the Ontario Health and Safety Act and changes to the Criminal Code.
Going forward we will be making a series of recommendations for your consideration, the first of which is attached and relates to ensuring the privacy and protection of the condominium owner/director. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss this and help solve this very serious problem in the condominium industry.
Eric Plant, President, ACMO
Lyndsey McNally, President, CCI-T
Jake Fine, President, CAI Canadian Chapter
cc. Marit Stiles, Leader, New Democratic Pary of Ontario; Leader, Official Opposition
Bonnie Crombie, Leader, Liberal Party of Ontario
Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario